Friday, February 10, 2012


As I'm praying about the foods that I should choose for this next month, I've been struggling with the idea of beverages. I'm not a big soda, juice, milk drinker...I live on water, earl grey tea, and black coffee. No cream, no frou frou drinks. Black coffee. I'm actually sitting here right now a little sad that I just finished my coffee. Should I give in to the over-achiever in me and tell you I will drink nothing but water for the next month? I have a strong feeling that might result in my slow death.

Jen Hatmaker, the author of 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess (this is the last time I remind you why you've heard that name before), did give up coffee. She almost died. And I lol'd so hard I cried. Here's her experience after ALMOST purchasing a cup of coffee at an airport:

Day 19
...I escaped narrowly by chewing gum like a quitting smoker. I should tell you that every time I've been in Sprouts. I've put my nose directly on the glass case of bulk coffee beans and inhaled like a deranged weirdo. I mean, deeply inhaled. For at least ten seconds. Nose to the glass. The only possible way I could act more disturbing is if I ground up some coffee beans, made a line with a razor blade, and snorted it in the middle of aisle 9.
My gosh. I think I have a problem. A friend asked if I was quitting coffee after this month was up. I told her I'd considered renouncing coffee exactly zero times, and if she ever brought it up again, I was going to quit her. 
Yeah. I definitely have a problem.

Maybe my response to the idea answered my own question. It's not about me and what I can accomplish. It's about God and what HE can accomplish.

Because the only thing missing from life is a soundtrack, here's my blast from the past for you:

It's all about You, Jesus
And all this is for You
For Your glory and Your fame
It's not about me
As if You should do things my way
You alone are God and I surrender
To Your ways


  1. Oh boy... quitting coffee could end badly. LOL.

  2. Coffee would be hard. Something warm in the winter is nice, especially if your meeting someone at Caribou.
