Monday, March 19, 2012

Month Two: Spending

So after praying about it for awhile and deciding between covering the topic of clothing or spending this month, I am confident it's time to work on spending.

I'd like to think of this as something I may adopt from here on out and not just work on it for a month only to go back to my "normal" way of living after. But seriously, sometimes I wonder where half my money goes. I even budget; only to find that I have to shift money around at the end of the month to come out even on my budget. A few years ago a friend of mine loaned me her cd's of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University to help me get on track...I'm not terribly off track...but I could be more comfortable if I had some of my debt paid down. School loans, a credit card, my business debt...just a few things. But I still find myself living from paycheck to paycheck. Mostly, I'm assuming, because I don't track the little things that add up by the end of the month. I haven't used a credit card for 1.5 years, only my debit, so I am proud of that. But if I could only work on those little things, key word would be CONSISTENLY, then possibly I could feel that I'm stewarding my money the way God wants me to.

Like I said before, my brother and I are looking to purchase a house together hopefully within the next month and how awesome would it be to have some cashflow to make the place awesome. How great would it be if my savings account started to become a little more than just an emergency fund!

Here are the details:
I will be spending money in only 7 places throughout the month.
1. Online bill, credit card, insurance, student loans
2. Gas (gas only) at Holiday
3. Tithing at church
4. Lakewinds/Whole Foods (they are basically the same thing, just in different cities)
5. Target
6. buying a house
7. everything I would be spending anywhere else goes straight into savings
Yes that is all. Yes that includes bills and gas. March 19-April 18

So no lunch after church, no quick coffee on the run, no meals out because I don't feel like cooking, no new clothes, no random purchases at the mall, no Redbox movies, no treats at the Twins game...and here's my goal: nothing I don't NEED. I could sustain most of my life at Target, but most people know when you go in to Target to buy 2 things, you come out with a $40 reciept of stuff you swear you have no idea how it got into your cart. Wants are put aside this month, and only necessities will be bought.

Thank God I have no children or a husband that I will force to suffer through this month...

1 comment:

  1. How did month two go? I've been looking for an update from you!
