Monday, March 18, 2013

Life is an Adventure

I'm in love with places I've never been and people I've never met. 

I went on a business trip last week to train the new owner of a club. My friend Kevin (check out his blog here) gave me this encouragement before I left on my trip: "Remember Who you represent and look for opportunities to be blessed by sharing His love with those you meet ." 

I met an old man staring at the moon. 

With binoculars in hand, he was staring at the moon like it was his long lost love. I smiled as I stood next to him and looked at the crescent moon, trying so hard to see what he was seeing. Without talking, he handed me his binoculars. I took a peek. They must have been strong binoculars because you could see everything. Even though most of the moon was dark, you could still make out the craters and shadows. He whispered "beautiful, isn't it?" and I agreed. He took his binoculars and I wished him a good night as he simply smiled and walked away. 

As I was driving home the next day, I was thinking about it: "Look for opportunities to be blessed by sharing His love." God uses our experiences with the people around us to bring US as much joy as we bring them hope. As we are obedient and walk in His direction, He puts situations that we can both minister to another, but that also will minister to us. God doesn't ask us to tirelessly work for Him. He loves us; He wants to bring us joy. As I thought about my friend in the parking lot of the hotel, I prayed that God would bless him and meet him wherever he was that day. However far away from home he was, that he would find himself not alone.

Life is an adventure, it is never the same two days in a row. There are always new and different circumstances and the people you meet can bring you either closer to God or pull you further away. I want to be the kind of person, even if it's just planting a seed of kindness, to draw people closer to God.

I'm in love with places I've never been and people I've never met. When I do go there and meet them, I am blessed.

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